Archive for 'Firebird Server'
Hello All. The new example was added at IBProvider website — «Resetting the session settings before reusing a connection (C#, FB4)». This examples demonstrates an implicit usage of the new magic FB4 feature — «ALTER SESSION RESET». It allows to implement the true connection pool at last. Both installers (IBProvider Trial and ADO.NET provider) were […]
Hello All. The new trial [] provides the support for the new FB4 datatypes — DECFLOAT16 and DECFLOAT34. There is supported simple columns and columns with arrays. Currently, IBProvider maps these types to string datatype (WSTR). I think, in the future the provider will provide other, native ways for work with these datatypes.
Hello Everyone. I have just gotten the some of results about load test IBP with FB4 those can be analyzed and compared. In short, the situation is the same as for FB3. Test with using built-in Firebird client Test with using fbclient.dll The errors in first case (built-in client) are linked with new unsupported FB4 […]
Hello All, The new build of IBProvider Trial [42372] provides the completed support of INT128 and NUMERIC that is based on INT128. You can use these types for simple values and, of course, for values with arrays. There were created and passed lots of different tests, so I hope am sure that all is OK. […]
Hello Everyone. The new IBProvider Trial [build 42030] includes the initial support for Firebird v4. The primary limitation: this version is not able to read and write values with new datatypes (INT128, DECFLOATxx, TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) but you can read the metadata of these things. You can connect to FB4 through fbclient.dll and directly […]
Hello All. New trial build contains an improvement for the built-in Firebird client. It allows to use the protocol v12 for work with FB3. There were problems with BOOLEAN datatype and BLOB. You can define the used network protocol through the initialization property «remote:protocol». I hope, the new version of IBProvider will be released within […]
Ok. Yesterday I downloaded all the FB4-0-2 files from Today I opened the folder with these files and stared at them. It has been waiting for me for long time 🙂 PS. Explanation — it is the release notes of a previous release.
Привет. На гитхаб загружен исходный код встроенного клиента IBProvider для Firebird и его тестовая система. IBProvider Client for Firebird [TechDemo] По сути, это переработанный fbclient ISC API. В том смысле, что XSQLDA/XSQLVAR там есть. Навскидку, в эти исходники еще попали конструкции для работы с кодовыми страницами и свойствами OLE DB. Уровень сложности … ну как […]
В связи с текущей возней с EFCore пришлось «освежить» понимание множества базовых вещей. Одна из этих вещей — вещественные числа. Задача 1. Добавляем запись с FLOAT колонкой. 2. Выбираем эту запись и сравниваем значение FLOAT колонки с ожидаемым значением. Ожидаемое float-значение передается в запросе в виде текста. Выглядит это как-то так: В конечном итоге, на […]
Обнаружил на хабре статью … Были запуски под много чем от MySQL до покойного, наверное, Firebird … USUS (c) моё. PS. Статью прочитал. Да, тяжко…