MSSQL For Real Man

When I started adding the support of a new FB4 datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, I did a small test with MSSQL 2008, where this datatype is presented as datetimeoffset:

create table TBL__TS_WITH_TZ
 COL_TS_WITH_TZ datetimeoffset(4)

insert into TBL__TS_WITH_TZ (COL_TS_WITH_TZ) VALUES ('2023-04-27 11:18:00.0000 +03:30')
insert into TBL__TS_WITH_TZ (COL_TS_WITH_TZ) VALUES ('2023-04-27 11:19+04:30')
insert into TBL__TS_WITH_TZ (COL_TS_WITH_TZ) VALUES ('2023-06-21 13:19:57+04:37')

It was a couple months ago.

Today it was needed to read these records through MSSQL OLE DB provider (MSOLEDBSQL) to check this data. Provider returns datetimeoffset in DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET structure.

Ok, I was thought and wrote the following utility on C++:

#include <_pch_.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include <ole_lib/oledb/oledb_client_lib.h>
#include <ole_lib/com_initialize.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void Execute()

 const ole_lib::TComInitialize2 __co_init(COINIT_MULTITHREADED);

 oledb_lib::t_db_data_source ds;

 const oledb_lib::t_oledb_char* const c_cn_str
    ("Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Data Source=VW7X64\\SQLEXPRESS, 49253;Initial Catalog=test;")

    ("User ID=sa;Password=mssql;Prompt=4;");

 cout<<"Connect to database ..."<<endl;


 oledb_lib::t_db_session session;


 cout<<"Start transaction ..."<<endl;


 oledb_lib::t_db_command cmd;


 oledb_lib::t_db_row row;

 const oledb_lib::t_oledb_char* const c_sql
  =_OLEDB_LIB_T("select COL_TS_WITH_TZ from TBL__TS_WITH_TZ");

 cout<<"Prepare ["<<structure::tstr_to_str(c_sql)<<"] ..."<<endl;


 cout<<"Execute ..."<<endl;



  cout<<"FIELD: "<<print(row[0])<<endl;


 cout<<"Commit ..."<<endl;



int main()
 catch(const std::exception& e)
  cout<<"ERROR: "<<e.what()<<endl;
 return 0;


After I had gotten all the necessary information from this test, I thought — it would be stupid to do not share this code 🙂

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